THRET 2v2 TOURNAMENT 2024 Drunk Friday! December 13.
This will be a 2v2 competition with double elimination so you an still win even if you loose a match. We will be giving out Gold to the winners. Rules will be posted soon. CLICK HERE TO SIGN UP!
THRET CLAN MEETING August 30, 2021 at 8:00 eastern right before the tournament.
See the agenda on the website.
THRET 2v2 TOURNAMENT 2021 April 30/May 1.
This will be a 2v2 competition with double elimination so you an still win even if you loose a match. We will be giving out Gold to the winners. Rules will be posted soon. CLICK HERE TO SIGN UP!
THRET 2v2 TOURNAMENT August 2020.
This will be a 2v2 competition with double elimination so you an still win even if you loose a match. We will be giving out Gold to the winners. Rules will be posted soon. CLICK HERE TO SIGN UP!
This will be a 2v2 competition with double elimination so you an still win even if you loose a match. We will be giving out Gold to the winners. Rules will be posted soon.
Strongholds on Wednesday and Saturday nights starting at about 9:00pm eastern . We will do Tier 6-10 depending on how many are participating.
Other Nights – Platoon and Strongholds ad hoc
THRET Arty King Tournament
Requires 8 contestants, each playing Tier 6 (or lower) SPG.
1v1, single-elimination, winner based on total damage over three consecutive battles.
Jagdleutnant will ride-along as observer/spotter.
Battles on Wed/Sat, approx. 30 minutes prior to clan SH.
First round begins Wed, 11/29. PM Jagdleutnant to join up, or with any questions.
Prizes — 1000 gold, 1 week premium time, 1 day premium time (x2) — and special Teamspeak “Arty King” icon.
Tonights combat officer strongholds are cancelled doesn’t mean u cant just the caller for tonight will not be available!
Strongholds will be on Tuesday and Saturday nights starting at 7:30 meeting time and 8 pm start time. Anyone that is available please contact jerm240 or lxcoupe in game or teamspeak or show up for Tuesday nights we will be picking teams from people that can commit to playing those night!
Strongholds were going to try doing 6 a night with if we lose the first 4 we stop were going to doing tier 6 strongholds only tier 8 were not ready for! For a better chance to win the people running the strongholds should be using gold rounds! If u do not want to run basic repair kits and small first aid kits and please use them during the battle!
also were going to try and set up practice every Saturday afternoon. see me or coupe during that time if your interested in playing! please let me know a good time for those interested!
3 vs 3 tier 6 Thursday Sep 29 9:30 pm est
Encounter winter himmelsdorf
3vs3 encounter sand river tier 6 u guys know the PW
9:30 pm EST Saturday OCT 1
Also thursday 22 sep 3 vs 3 tier I-IV
map is ruinberg. 6:30 pm
You guys know the PW
3Vs3 tier 4 saturday 24th 9:30 pm est
Team name Shoot him not me!
Map is Ensk
PW (Ask me but you know what it is)
pw – WOTWOT – 3rd time could be a charm – latest 15 vs 15 – Tier 8
It has been brought to my attention that there may be some interest in having battles between clan members in a tourney style format. If interested I would like a few volunteers to act as referees as well as any comments on tier, types, etc. Please contact me (Conan) — Thank you !
I like that idea Conan, I’d ref if it fits my schedule
ty pass it on and lets get it started asap
Just love u guys